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Woman sees more color than man

Womeneye Correspondent

Published: 20:28, 28 October 2023

Update: 20:46, 28 October 2023

Woman sees more color than man

Symbolic Photo

The books of theoretical knowledge to know and understand woman do not give any idea about the biological and social facts of their humanity. Many things in the world have taken the form of fables which are proving true to people day by day. In the case of woman, some things have turned into fables.

All over the world, woman live an average of 2-10 days longer than men. There is no scientific explanation for this yet. So let's know some such things about woman.

Color vision in woman: Woman see more colors than man due to genetics. Man see more colors in an object than woman see in a flower.

Alcohol resistance: Woman's immune system has a lower resistance to alcohol. Woman who consume alcohol are at risk of dying from hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. Not only that, alcohol consumption reduces brain size in woman. This reduces brain function.

Woman's Thoughts on Feminine Maturity: Various studies have shown that a woman is as attractive as she is fertile. So the male eye finds femininity in the body of the woman who gave birth to the child. Such is the thought of woman.

Woman eat lipstick: Woman eat an average of 4 lipsticks in their lifetime. how is it Woman who use lipstick in their daily life, the lipstick goes from the lips through the oral cavity to the stomach. Thus they consume 4 pounds of lipstick in their lifetime.

Risk taking: Woman take risks in any pursuit of success in life. There are scientific reasons for this. It is said that the part of the brain that evaluates alternatives while making a decision is greater in women than in man.

Women's brains are denser than man's: Women's brains are 9 times smaller than men's. Although women's brains are denser than men's, having the same number of cells does not affect cognition.

Intensity of sense of smell and smell: Intensity of sense of smell is more in women. A keen sense of smell helped our ancestors survive and helped women gather together to select the right food for the family. Girls can also be considered flowers in that higher sense. Brightsight