Dhaka, Bangladesh

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Human knowledge of father to child

Khondkar Mahfuzul Haque

Published: 17:17, 6 December 2023

Human knowledge of father to child

Photo Collected

Subha is waiting for her father to return from office. Come from office and take him for a walk in the field in the afternoon. This is his daily routine. He is two and a half years old. On the other hand, his father is stuck in traffic on the way back from office. By the time he reached home, it was evening. Subha is tired of waiting. His mother has changed clothes and shoes. He doesn't even want to have afternoon snack. Subha is in a depressed mood.

Many children go through this kind of waiting like Subha. Every child is different. Some count the hours, some pass the days. In an analysis conducted by UNICEF of the United Nations Children's Fund on children in 74 countries, 55 percent of the world's children are not accompanied by their fathers during play or various educational activities of childhood. To encourage fathers in this context, UNICEF invited families to post photos and videos using the hashtag 'Early Moms Matter' on Instagram and Twitter to become 'Super Dads'.

Father's work usually means providing financial security to the family. This includes child support, making decisions about education, helping with education, buying essentials, etc. For this reason, UNICEF Director of Information Research and Policy Lawrence Chandy mentioned in his research paper, by removing the obstacles due to which fathers are unable to play an active role with their children, fathers are guaranteed sufficient time, necessary money, and necessary support for children's physical and mental development. have to do For this purpose, UNICEF has called on the governments and the private sector of the countries to develop policies and increase spending to advance childhood development programs. The policy emphasizes giving parents the support and information they need to care for their children.

Apart from physical development, all human development is taken from the environment. So the family is the primary development center of the child. Shortly after birth the child becomes acquainted with its eternal relationship with the mother. At the age of two months he can recognize his father. Along with mother, father's voice, face and even body odor creates a sense of security in every child. It acts as a kind of accessory in the development of the child. As a result, the father becomes the child's first idol in the development of the child. Children try to follow their father from the very beginning. According to experts, 60 percent of what a child will look like depends on the father's genes. Whether a child is left-handed or right-handed, height, tooth structure, toe structure, sleep pattern, cheek fat, lip shape, etc. are usually inherited from the father. Like most countries in the world, patriarchal family system exists in our country. So the father has an impeccable role in the development of the child. Researchers have shown that fathers who work and spend time directly with their children's development, develop more children than those who do not have direct access to fathers.

Quarrels, murmurs, misunderstandings, mental pollution, unwanted events etc. of parents have a negative effect on the mental development of children. As a result, many of the children who witnessed the events later have personality abnormalities, the risk of mental illness, involvement in crime, drug addiction, and so on, which puts the child's life on the path of uncertainty. In these cases, the father should play the main role and provide protection to the child. Children who grow up with fathers are more courageous, confident, have leadership qualities, are happier and do better in academics, say researchers. Besides, such children can master social evolution very easily.

The child's attachment or bond with the father is his shadow companion. Children who have father's companionship have less depression and stress. By doing this, the child is able to grow up as a person with social communication and cultural values easily. So the father should be attentive to give time to the child.

Every child may not always have a friendly relationship with his father. Without thinking about it, the father should take the leading role and replace the friendly relationship. That is why the father has to participate in the care of the child immediately after the birth along with the mother in changing the baby's clothes, dressing, playing, listening to music, telling stories, hugging etc. By doing this, along with the mother's love, the child's bond with the father is also formed.

Apart from this, treat both boys and girls equally, don't present yourself as a scary character, spend time with the child, ask what the child is doing in his absence, try to understand the reason for the upset, bringing outside problems into the house with the child. Don't misbehave, don't bully your child because of mischief or excessive crying, don't be angry with the child for no reason, help as much as possible in reading and writing, develop and take care of latent talents or qualities, praise success, instill your own will in the child. The father can play an important role in the human development of his child by not spreading, giving importance to the child's wishes, not obstructing any work unnecessarily, creating positive ideas about the father, removing negative ideas, etc.

Even if the child is a newborn, the father must speak. Because the child understands the facial expressions of the father. Many fathers love their children but do not express it. Researchers say that bonding with a child is strengthened by showing love, caressing, using affectionate language, touching and hugging. In this the child grows up confident.

The child is influenced by the father's personal behavior, schooling habits, behavior towards other people in the society, responsibility, forgiveness and kindness. These human behaviors enter into it. For this reason, it is important for the father to play the role of a virtuous, personal greed-free, sympathetic, generous, sincere and cordial parent. Rigid regimes make a child's life uncertain. In the proper human development of the child, all the things that the father should keep in mind are; Building a friendly relationship with the child, refraining from implying something by fear or hurt, giving the child the opportunity to participate in the discussion, creating a positive environment, praising good deeds, being patient with the child's bad behavior, letting the child understand love, giving importance to feelings, Trying to give maximum time to the child (employees), taking the child's opinion or listening to the decision, encouraging physical exercise without being tied to the computer or smartphone, not applying excessive pressure, encouraging the use of intelligence, not being shy to consult an expert if necessary in mental development. do etc.

The United Nations Children's Charter is now international law. In light of this, Bangladesh has already taken many steps to help fulfill the role between father and child. Among which are education allowance for children of government employee fathers, free medical services in specialized hospitals, ration system, time for children.

Sranti recreation leave and allowance to be given, admission quota in various educational institutions etc. Paternity leave is also under active consideration by the government. Working fathers have been given the opportunity to take care of their children at the Bangladesh Secretariat's day-care center. Various private organizations are also working in this regard.

No child in the world is born with human qualities like morals, values etc. Children cannot learn them alone. Children learn these things from their surroundings.

The family provides a child's first learning environment. Parents are the first teachers in child growth and human development. Although the responsibilities of both are equal in this regard, in some cases the responsibility of the father increases to a large extent. As a result, the father has to form a close bond with the child, which plays an important role in the child's later life.

As the days change, fathers also have to change. Take active part in family responsibilities and care and everything from food. Fortunately, many fathers are now contributing directly to child rearing.

Finally, back to Subha's story. Two-and-a-half years of Subhar's depression were spent in close proximity to her father. Subha is sleeping late at night. turned to his father. Her little hand rests on her father's palm. Baba also holds the little hand between his palms, in a bond of supreme affection.